Camp Lazlo Wiki
Camp Lazlo Wiki
Edward duke of lice

Edward wants to be Camp Kidney's new masot: the Duke of Lice.

Mascot Madness is the episode 23a of second season.


Lazlo notices that Camp Kidney lost their camp spirit. Therefore, he tries to get them back by being mascot for camp.


When Raj and Clam are doing the jumping beans act Edward acts like he hates it but in the next scene he is seen clapping and cheering.


Mascot Costumes: Jelly Beans: Jumping Beans Sampson: Penguin Snow Buddy Dave and Ping-Pong: Living clothesline Chip and skip: tribute to Lumpus Edward: Duke Of Lice

Ms. Mucus is dressed like a viking in the Mascot Competition.


Edward: (as the Duke of lice) No-one gets under your skin like I do!&nbsp Raj: Ooh! I'll say!

Raj: (After Edward threatens to show his drawing of them in the Marshmallow shack to Scoutmaster Lumpus) This is not good! Clam: Neither's his drawing.

Lazlo: I'll be the candy! I'll be the fudge! And you Scoutmaster Lumpus you'll be the judge!

Edward: Why can't that monkey just be bored and spiritless like the rest of us? I bet he's marching off on some mission that will hog all of Lumpus's attention. Well he's not gonna edge me out this time!

Nina: There goes our camp spirit. Gretchen: Just wait till next year!

(Scoutmaster Lumpus looks at the enlarged figure of himself) Lumpus: Boy is that thing ugly.
