"Prodigious Clamus" is a Camp Lazlo episode from season 1. In this episode, Scoutmaster Lumpus seeks to cash in on Clam's newly-discovered genius.
When Lumpus stops Lazlo, Clam and Raj from watching a camping TV show, he wants to look for a "genius". After hearing Clam play a song from blowing on a bottle, Lumpus picks him! But if he is a "genius", Lumpus and Clam will be leaving camp; forever.
( ‣ ) Production music |
( • ) Original music |
( ◦ ) Camp Lazlo music |
‣ Tripping Along - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Opening]
‣ Link (Y) - Patricia Cory ["Slinkman! Confiscate that TV!"]
‣ Link (Q) - Patricia Cory ["Yes, Sir!"]
‣ Staggering Home - Dick Walter [Lumpus takes the TV away]
‣ Simple Souls - Dick Walter [Lumpus goes back to his cabin]
‣ Link (C) - Patricia Cory ["Kinda junky!"]
‣ Link (O) - Patricia Cory [Lumpus uses Slinkman as an antenna]
‣ Link (M) - Patricia Cory [Lumpus trying to get a good signal]
‣ Link (S) - Patricia Cory [Lumpus shoves chocolate into Slinkman's mouth]
‣ Schulausflug - Gerhard Trede [Music on the TV]
‣ Maple Leaf Rag (A) - Johnathan Starkey [Scoutmaster Wesley's scout plays the piano]
‣ Fatso 1 - Alan Wilson ["Slinkman, how many scouts do we have?"]
‣ Gala Premiere - Laurie Johnson ["This is my ticket out of here!"]
‣ Curious Cub - Patricia Cory ["All I have to do is find that one genius!"]
• Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Clam hits an apple tree with his head]
• Old Time Religion - Andy Paley [The Jelly Beans arrive at the Mess Hall]
‣ Funny Walks - Johnny Pearson ["Ooh! Look! A puzzle!"]
‣ Railroad Hoe Down - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Everyone tries to solve the puzzle]
‣ Link (X) - Patricia Cory [Nobody solved it, except for Clam]
• Bingo - Andy Paley ["Next test!"]
‣ Hillbilly Chicken - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Everyone starts painting]
‣ Baby Elephant - Dick Walter ["Do any of these Scouts look like geniuses to you, Slinkman?"]
• Bad Orchestra - Andy Paley [Everyone playing instruments horribly]
‣ Editor's Falling Over (F) - Dick Walter [Lumpus falls down]
• Lazlo Sad Cello 2 - Andy Paley ["All I ask is just one genius..."]
• Clam Whistling - Andy Paley [Clam whistles into a bottle]
‣ Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, "Chorale", Op. 125, 4th Movement - Ludwig Van Beethoven [Clam plays this just by whistling into the bottle]
‣ Toddlin' Tuba (A) - Dick Walter [Lumpus calls the Scout Chatter show]
• Goodnight Ladies (v2) - Andy Paley ["Um... the Scoutmaster would like you to dine with him tonight!"]
• Goodnight Ladies (v3) - Andy Paley [Lumpus have a dinner with Clam]
‣ Fishin [#27] - Martyn Laight, Cary Beare [Back at the cabin]
‣ Hollywood Glitz - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Lumpus puts on a show]
‣ Contented Tuba - Richard Myhill ["Are ya ready, sweety?"]
‣ Hawaiian Link (A) - Richard Myhill [One of Clam's fans is shown]
‣ Curtain Raiser - Ian Hughes, Christopher Walker [Lumpus introduces Nigel/Lumpus introduces Clam]
‣ Side Drum [#52.02] - Mark Nolan [Clam takes a breath]
‣ Timpani Roll - Sammy Burdson [Clam breathes in]
‣ Bush in the Shucks - Jerry Burnham, Don Burnham, Tony Marcus, Paul Anastasio, Robert Nathan, Bobby Black [Lazlo and Raj cheer for Clam]
• Slow & Easy - Andy Paley [Ending]
End credits scene[]
‣ Schulausflug - Gerhard Trede [End credits scene]
- This episode was translated in Spanish and was aired in the middle of the night once. After that, the rerun of this episode is only English.
- This episode revealed that Lumpus prohibited technological advantages in Camp Kidney.
- When Lumpus opens his eyes all the way in this episode, the glasses completely surround his eye instead of having a flat top.
- This episode is the only appearance of Nigel Solthworm.
- Clam playing Ludwig van Beethoven: Ode to Joy. This song is rearranged by Raymond Leppard for Bruton Classical Series.
- Credits: Lumpus and Clam are on TV with Nigel Solthworm.

- At the beginning of the show, Lumpus confiscates candy from Jelly Cabin. But later in the show, when Lumpus is testing the scouts, Chip and Skip are eating a lollipop.
- There are definitely more than 14 campers at Camp Kidney. Also, through most of this episode, only 13 campers are shown.
- Lumpus says the jigsaw puzzle is 1,000 pieces, but when Clam opens his puzzle it is only 500 pieces.
- When Lumpus was announcing Camp Kidney's talent show, if you look at The Lemmings they have different skin color.
- In the episode when Clam did his loud burp at the end of the episode, the moon that he blew further away was full, but when Clam met up with Lazlo and Raj, it was a crescent.
- Clam: Painting done! (shows it to Scoutmaster Lumpus)
- Lumpus: Oh, yes. Very nice. (Mumbles) Worst thing I've ever seen (gives painting back to Clam as Lumpus walks away) When am I going to find my genius, Slinkman?
- Clam: (turns over painting to reveal the Mona Lisa) Uhhhhhh... painting done?(After learning that one in 14 scouts is a genius and that there are 14 scouts in the camp.)
- Scoutmaster Algonquin C. Lumpus: That's it!
- Slinkman: What's it?
- Scoutmaster Algonquin C. Lumpus: This is my ticket outta here! I can finally say good bye to Camp Kidney...(Changes the map of Camp Kidney to a world map.)
- Scoutmaster Algonquin C. Lumpus: And hello to the world! All I have to do is find that one genius. I wonder who it is?(watches Clam outside from a window.)
- Clam: Apples!(Clam bangs his head against the tree.)
- Scoutmaster Algonquin C. Lumpus: Well, we know who it's not.
- Lumpus: QUIET!!!! None of you are geniuses! Why aren't none of you geniuses?
- Lazlo: But Scoutmaster Lumpus, we were watching nature.
- Raj: I did not watch.
- Clam I did.
- Lazlo: Scoutmaster Lumpus, you’re a totem pole?
- Lazlo: It's not every day you find a T.V. in your meatloaf!
- Lazlo: Ohh, Raj. I'm glad Clam is getting some recognition...
- Raj: I recognize him. He is the short one with the big nose.(Clam puts puzzle pieces into his mouth, chews it, and spits it out)
- Clam: Puzzle done! Back in box.
Click here to go on the Transcript of this episode.
- Click here to go on Prodigious Clamus image gallery