Camp Lazlo Wiki
Camp Lazlo Wiki

Here is a story I made about my reaction to the episode S is for Crazy and starts out with the prank on Raj note may be horrible


Raj: *Screaming after seeing trunk cut off*

Lumpus and Samson: Hahahahahahahahahahahh Crazeh *exits bathroom* lets flood a lake argh argh..

Raj: *cries*

Trout (me): *comes out of a toilet* Whats wrong dude?

Raj: Scoutmaster Lumpus and Samson cut of my trunk with a piece of paper *cries* and now they are going to flood the Leaky Lake with chocolate in 3 minutes an...

Trout: Wait just a secone did you say chocolate

Raj: yah


  • skips to a bush next to the docks at Leaky Lake

Lumpus: Hehe I got a bag of pudding at the right time in 2 minutes and 30 seconds to flood the lake with and people are in it.

Samson: Heheheheeh hey hey crazy.

Lumpus: Lets charge in 20 secon..

Samson: Huh where am I

Lumpus: Wheres the jellyfish you had on your head

Samson: Waht

Trout: I have it on my head *cakling evily* HAHHAHAHAHAHAAHGAHSHEHE Now gimme your chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lumpus: Never you have to pass from m.. eee?

Trout oh look frozen chocolate Pudiing!!!

Lumpus and Samson: Oh god oh no *screams in panic*

Trout: Now there finished I can prank everyone else muhahahahahqhaahhahaahahaaahahahha

Everyone exepept trout: *screams in panic*

Trout: HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA the End hahhahahah
