"Where's Lazlo?" is a Camp Lazlo episode from season 4. In this episode, An Emmy-winning hour-long prequel about how the Jelly Cabin trio met. When Lazlo disappears after meeting a bear, the camp assumes he has been mauled, while Clam and Raj refuse to accept that explanation. The story is told by Raj and Clam after all of this. The camp members speculate about Lazlo's fate, wondering if the bear devoured Lazlo or if Lazlo found himself lost around Prickly Pines..
Part 1[]
The story opens with Lazlo gone, and Clam and Raj relating the tale up to this point. The first segment builds Edward's growing resentfulness towards Lazlo, and Lumpus's dissatisfaction with the Jelly Beans behavior. Lazlo builds a totem pole to decorate their new cabin, when Lazlo hears an animal in distress. Given Lazlo's nature, he goes to find it and help it, while Clam and Raj choose not to accompany him. Lazlo finds a bear with a pine cone stuck in his nose, and pulls it out, earning the bears gratefulness. The bear follows Lazlo home and he hides it in his cabin and names him Fluffy. Lumpus finds out, thanks to Edward telling Lumpus that Lazlo left camp, against strict camp regulations. Protecting Lazlo, the bear attacks Edward and Lumpus, scaring the both of them out of their wits, and eventually sending them into a panic as the enraged bear chases them, being on the warpath against them and everyone else. Lazlo finally calms the bear, convincing him that he's not hurt, and he and the bear go have lunch, though the bear is still suspicious of Lumpus and Edward. While everyone hides in Lumpus's cabin, Lazlo follows the bear out of the camp; with Lazlo gone, Raj decides that he's through with Lazlo.
Part 2[]
The next morning, when Lazlo's beanie is found, along with a grizzly mess, everyone assumes that he's been eaten by the bear. But when Edward can find neither the bear nor Lazlo, he makes up a story about how he tried to save Lazlo and scared the bear off, and demands the camp's respect. The next series of scenes deal with both Edward spinning a web of lies, and Lumpus trying to come to grips with Lazlo's disappearance, but only due to Lumpus' fear of Commander Hoo-Ha, not over any real concern for the missing scouts. Cabin reunited. Finally understanding that Edward was lying the whole time, Raj and Clam ride the rails in a handcar to find Lazlo in the Prickly Pines restaurant, Beef Lumberjacks. Lazlo explains the incident, but is reluctant to return to Camp Kidney, because it's a joyless place. Clam and Raj end up convincing Lazlo to return, but upon Lazlo's return, he finds the bear raving the camp, which also exposes Edward's duplicity, due to Edward ultimately being a coward because he doesn’t even been a Bear Hunter. In the end, it turned out that Lazlo was using the bathroom and the adventure affected Raj and Clam as he was really gone for a small period of time.
( ‣ ) Production music |
( • ) Original music |
( ◦ ) Camp Lazlo music |
Part 1[]
‣ Comedy Snatches 8 - Keith Papworth [Opening]
‣ Sitting On Top of the World - Terry Gadsden, Frederik Kinck-Petersen [Raj begins to tell the story of how he and Clam met Lazlo]
‣ Link (M) - Patricia Cory [Slinkman asks Raj where Clam is]
‣ Link (Y) - Patricia Cory [Slinkman brakes]
‣ Burglar Bill [#7.02] - Andrew Hall [Clam is on top of the bus]
‣ Buffalo Billy - Patricia Cory [Raj and Clam meet]
‣ Dinky Doo 4 - Keith Papworth [Raj and Clam arrive at Camp Kidney]
• Westside Storyiesh - Barry Anthony [The other campers approach Raj and Clam]
‣ On the Prowl - Patricia Cory [Edward takes Raj's music record]
‣ Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin ["Give... back... record!"]
‣ Bowler Hats - David Farnon ["Iron Moose?"]
‣ Wargames - Keith Mansfield [Lumpus comes out]
‣ Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [The scouts keep hailing Lumpus]
‣ Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle - Larry Hochman [Lumpus' announcement to the Bean Scouts]
‣ Colonial March - Larry Hochman [Lumpus sees Raj and Clam]
‣ Link (Z) - Patricia Cory [Lumpus laughs]
‣ Shock Stinger [#86] - Kevin Hiatt, Charles Blaker [Clam kicks Lumpus in his leg]
‣ Staggering Home - Dick Walter [Lumpus is mad at the Raj and Clam]
‣ Like Strange - Kenny Graham [Lumpus assigns Raj and Clam to a condemned cabin]
‣ Sci-Fi Shocker - Kevin Hiatt ["Rats!? Aah!!!"]
‣ Hopping Along - Patricia Cory [Slinkman says that another camper is supposed to be at camp]
‣ Voodoo Curse - Roger Roger [Lazlo comes out of the box]
‣ Link (O) - Patricia Cory [Lumpus runs up to Lazlo]
‣ Bear Cubs (A) - Walt Rockman ["Uh, actually, Sir, he is telling the truth!"]
‣ New Recruits - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Lumpus says to Lazlo that no camper has ever been lost at Camp Kidney]
‣ Drum Parade - Yankee Doodle - Larry Hochman [Lumpus warns Lazlo]
• Bingo - Andy Paley ["Well, back to crossword puzzles!"]
‣ Backporch Blues (A) - Richard Myhill [The Jelly Beans in their new cabin]
‣ Mud Bathing - Otto Sieben, John Charles Fiddy [Lazlo feels the need to tidy the place up]
‣ Reckless Rufus - Jerry Burnham, Stephen Wade, Tom Layton [Lazlo tells Raj and Clam to come outside]
‣ Light Show - Chris Lang, Eric Cunningham [Lazlo decorated the cabin]
• Bingo - Andy Paley [Raj gets mad]
‣ Think Bubbles 4 - Keith Papworth ["That's it!"]
‣ Buffalo Girls - Robert White ["What we need are some good old fashioned camp activities!"]
‣ Isle of Caprice 2 - Otto Sieben [Samson swimming in Leaky Lake]
• Here Comes Trouble - Andy Paley [The Jelly Beans dive into the lake]
‣ Isle of Caprice 2 - Otto Sieben [The Bean Scouts fly kites]
• Here Comes Trouble - Andy Paley [The Jelly Beans fly a plane]
‣ Isle of Caprice 2 - Otto Sieben [The scouts pick up sticks]
• Here Comes Trouble - Andy Paley [The Jelly Beans ride a log down a hill]
• Slipping into Madness (v1) - Andy Paley [Edward gets mad]
‣ Link (U) - Patricia Cory [Edward wants to get rid of Lazlo]
• Here Comes Trouble - Andy Paley [The Jelly Beans still ride the log]
‣ Jimmy Cracked Corn - Martyn Laight [Raj and Clam go back to their cabin]
‣ Curious Cub - Patricia Cory ["I don't know, Clam..."]
‣ Rain Dance - Dick Walter [Lazlo built a totem pole]
‣ Paddy's Whack - Dennis Farnon [There is a rabbit on the bottom]
‣ Eerie Night - Frederick Charrosin [The Jelly Beans hear a noise]
‣ Creeping Around - Patricia Cory ["Guys, there's a poor creature in trouble out there!"]
‣ Adventure Fanfare 3 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Lazlo goes to save the animal in trouble]
‣ Shivers Up the Spine (B) - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy [Edward behind a bush]
‣ Jungle Journey (A) - Graham De Wilde, Nigel Martinez [Lazlo in the forest]
‣ Link (C) - Patricia Cory [Lazlo sees a bear]
‣ Drama Link (B) - Hubert Clifford [Lazlo approaches the bear]
‣ Cold Sweat - John Scott [Lazlo sees a pine cone on the bear's nose]
‣ Furtive Footsteps - Paddy Kingsland [The bear's nose hurts]
‣ Link (O) - Patricia Cory [The bear sneaks up behind Lazlo]
‣ Did Anybody Spook 2 - Johnny Hawksworth [Lazlo falls on the bear]
‣ Bruce Trail - James Kalamasz, Alain James [The bear wants to go back to camp with Lazlo]
‣ Dinky Doo 4 - Keith Papworth [Lumpus asks Edward where Lazlo is]
• Polly Wolly Marimba (v2) - Andy Paley [Lazlo comes back to his cabin]
‣ Evil Alien Attack 1 [#15] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Raj and Clam scream]
‣ Come and Get Me - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Lazlo introduces Fluffy to Raj and Clam]
‣ Command Post 1 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Lumpus calls Lazlo's name]
‣ Come and Get Me - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [The Jelly Beans hide Fluffy]
‣ House of Horror [#10.05] - William Farran [Fluffy gets out of the cabin]
‣ Puffing Billy [#75] - Michael Fix [Fluffy chases Lumpus and Edward]
‣ Appalachian Banjo Duel - Larry Hochman [Lazlo stops Fluffy]
‣ The Dudes - Jack Trombey [Bean Scouts hiding under the bed]
‣ Home on the Range - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Fluffy at the Mess Hall]
‣ Sci-Fi Shocker - Kevin Hiatt [Chef McMuesli gets scared]
‣ Home on the Range - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Raj and Clam make it to the Mess Hall]
‣ Body Snatcher - Patricia Cory [Lumpus and the scouts are still hiding]
‣ Dramatic Cue (E) - Ronald Hanmer ["Lazlo's gettin' into it with the bear!"]
‣ Tread Carefully - Keith Papworth [Bean Scouts call Edward "a wimp"]
‣ Stealth by Night - Jack Coles [Edward goes outside]
‣ Swing Low Sweet Chariot - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland [Clam is worried about Lazlo]
End credits scene[]
‣ Voodoo Curse - Roger Roger [End credits scene of Part 1]
Part 2[]
‣ Hopping Along - Patricia Cory [Opening of Part 2]
‣ The Plot Thickens - Dick Walter [Slinkman says that some campers are missing]
‣ Bugle Fanfare 1 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin ["Attention all campers!"]
‣ Strange Goings-On - Dick Walter [Raj and Clam realize Lazlo didn’t come back]
‣ Marching Drums 1 - Eric Allen [The campers line up]
‣ Link (C) - Patricia Cory [Samson turns around]
‣ Drama Link (G) - Hubert Clifford [Samson sees a beaten up Bean Scout hat]
‣ Dramatic Love Theme - Intro - Frederick Charrosin [Samson thinks that Lazlo have been eaten by the bear]
‣ Comic Capers 5 - Keith Papworth [Lumpus gets anxious]
• Cliff Hanger - Andy Paley [Lumpus runs away]
‣ Blaze of Brass (D) - Cecil Milner [Edward is on top of the Jelly cabin]
‣ Heroes of the West [#20.02] - Gregor Narholz [Edward says what happened]
‣ Curious Cub - Patricia Cory [Chip has a question]
• CONCH SHELL FANFARE SB A - Nicolas Carr [Transition to the next scene]
‣ Watch Out - Patricia Cory [Slinkman calls Commander Hoo-Ha]
‣ Shock Stinger [#86.02] - Kevin Hiatt, Charles Blaker [Lumpus punches Slinkman with a door]
‣ Legion of Honor [#29] - Harry Bluestone ["Slinkman! It's a miracle!"]
‣ Reckless Rufus - Jerry Burnham, Stephen Wade, Tom Layton [Lumpus is all excited]
‣ Link (X) - Patricia Cory [Samson is in Lumpus' office]
‣ Bowler Hats - David Farnon [Lumpus says that Samson is Lazlo]
‣ So Tired - Sammy Burdson, John Charles Fiddy ["He made me do it!"]
‣ Heroes of the West - Gregor Narholz [Edward tells more of his story]
‣ Rodeo Stars (B) - Gregor Narholz [The scouts cheer for Edward]
‣ Kirchen - Lars-Luis Linek [Back at the Jelly cabin]
‣ Proceed With Caution - Dick Walter [Raj and Clam argue]
‣ Link (D) - Patricia Cory [The totem pole staggers]
‣ Editor's Falling Over (F) - Dick Walter [The totem pole falls over]
‣ Link (R) - Patricia Cory [The place is a mess]
‣ Heroes of the West - Gregor Narholz [Edward comes to the Jelly cabin]
‣ My Old Kentucky Home - Robert White, George Weigand [Raj and Clam are depressed]
‣ Link (C) - Patricia Cory ["Wait a minute!"]
‣ Hide and Seek - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Raj and Clam realize that Edward was lying]
‣ Armies on the Move - Richard Myhill [Raj and Clam use the totem poles as disguises]
‣ Fife and Drum March - Larry Hochman [The scouts line up]
‣ Editor's Falling Over (A) - Dick Walter [The totem pole falls]
‣ Tales from the Swamp (A) - Ron Goodwin [Chip panics]
‣ Civil War March - Larry Hochman [Edward says that Raj and Clam are gone]
‣ Fright Night - John Dwyer, Ronald Mendelsohn ["Sir, I think we lost two more campers!"]
‣ Banjo Stomp - Larry Hochman [Lumpus unplugs the phone]
‣ The Western Pioneers (D) - Ron Goodwin [Raj and Clam at the edge of the forest]
• She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain - Andy Paley [A traveler comes by Raj and Clam]
‣ The Western Pioneers (D) - Ron Goodwin [Raj and Clam go with the traveler]
‣ Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (B) - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland [A traveler gets mad at Raj and Clam]
‣ Synchrostings - Part 5 - Trevor Duncan [The cart is about is go down a very steep hill]
‣ Puffing Billy [#37] - Michael Fix [The cart goes very fast]
• Clouds Banjo Tag - Andy Paley [Raj and Clam get off the cart]
‣ Down in the Valley - Robert Keyes [Raj and Clam are exhausted]
‣ English Tea Rooms - Johnny Hawksworth [At Beef Lumberjacks]
‣ Appalachian Banjo Duel - Larry Hochman [Clam recognizes Lazlo]
‣ Beavertown - D. Todd Sorensen [Lazlo tells Raj and Clam what really happened]
‣ Link (M) - Patricia Cory [Raj and Clam come back into the bathroom]
‣ Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [Raj and Clam say one final goodbye to Lazlo]
‣ River Police - Roger Roger [Back at Camp Kidney]
‣ Lumbering Giant - Patricia Cory [Skip has to go to the bathroom]
‣ Stealth by Night - Jack Coles [Fluffy comes up to Chip]
‣ Murder in Mind [#45] - Ronald Hanmer [Chip hides from the bear]
‣ Primitive Force - Raymond Jones [Samson looks for Skip]
‣ Life or Death - Jack Beaver [Fluffy gets into Camp Kidney]
‣ Fife and Drum March - Larry Hochman [Commander Hoo-Ha answers]
‣ Life or Death - Jack Beaver [Fluffy chases Edward]
‣ Monster Bug (A) - Gregor Narholz [Edward is in danger]
‣ Great Moments - Gregor Narholz [Lazlo comes back to Camp Kidney]
• The Candy Cane (20's Jazz Version) - Andy Paley [Lazlo group hugs Raj and Clam]
• Buffalo Gals - Andy Paley ["Hooray for Lazlo!"]
‣ Link (R) - Patricia Cory [Raj ends his story]
‣ Tragicomic - Dennis Farnon [Raj and Clam cry]
• Lazlo's Back - Andy Paley [Ending]
End credits scene[]
‣ Lumbering Giant - Patricia Cory [End credits scene of Part 2]
- This was the first and only one-hour special of the series.
- Edward claims that the bear that "ate" Lazlo was a black bear, which Clam later corrects as a brown bear. While this is most likely meant to be a plot point, some black bears do have brown coats. It should be noted that the bear in the feature does have the muscular hump over the shoulders, common to brown (commonly called "grizzly") bears.
- The title of this episodes was a take-on from the episode Where's Clam.
- Middle Credits (the credits after the first 30 minutes): Lazlo does the dance that he did when he went out of the fruit box. At the end, Raj screams "Wookasha!"
- Like some other one-hour movie specials from this period, this special was later aired as two separate episodes in reruns and some countries. This version of the episode is on iTunes, and it is separated into 2 different parts, and each part has different credits.
- Apart from a promotional DVD and a "For Your Consideration" DVD for Emmy voters, the full 45-minute cut of the special has yet to receive an official release.
- A "Triple Feature" release containing this special, along with "The Big Field Trip" (the My Gym Partner's A Monkey TV Special) and "Good Wilt Hunting" (the first "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" TV Movie) was planned during the same year as its release, but never made it past the design phase.[1]
- End Credits: Skip has to go, and Chip suggests he just use the bushes. Chip keeps telling Skip to back up further until Chip can't see Skip anymore before Chip says that Skip is good.
- It is learned in this episode the flies that always circle around Chip and Skip are actually fruit flies that traveled in the same fruit crate as Lazlo, and Lazlo let them have those flies as a gift.
- It is learned in this episode that Lazlo first arrived in Camp Kidney via a Fruit Delivery Truck.
- It's learned in this episode that before Lazlo came to Camp Kidney, Scoutmaster Lumpus was nicknamed the Iron Moose for his tough, disciplinary command.
- Raj was swimming in the water. The flashback was likely before Swimming Buddy.
- When Raj fell into the water, he said he had so much fun he forgot he couldn't swim so after that he still had his fear of swimming
- The premiere of "Where's Lazlo" was in a letterbox/wide-screen format on 2-18-2007. On a 2-19-2007 repeat, it was shown in a full screen (4:3 aspect ratio) format instead. The repeat had less detail and looked as if it were zoomed into the original picture. The same thing happened to an episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends called "Good Wilt Hunting". This may have happened to other similar one-hour specials on the Cartoon Network as well.
- Raj shows up in camp wearing a traditional Indian outfit.
- Commander Hoo-Ha does not appear in this episode, even though his voice was heard for the final time.
- Camp Kidney used to be a more dictorial camp, where everyone obeys the rules so that Lumpus can keep a spotless record in the camp, until Lazlo came.
- The special is the only time Commander Hoo-Ha addresses Slinkman by his actual name.
- The Squirrel Scouts do not appear at all in this episode.
- When Lazlo first arrived at Camp Kidney in a box, the box didn't have any air holes.
- When we see Clam cleaning his toaster, he only has one leg.
- When Clam is wiggling his butt at Scoutmaster Lumpus, his tail is missing.
- When Slinkman was opening the box, his arms are brown.
- Writing Goof: In the Jellies are their current age when they come to Camp Kidney for the first time. However, in the episode Movie Night, Lazlo flashes back to him and Raj as babies together in Jelly Cabin, which would mean that they had been coming to camp since they were babies.
Raj: (crying and wailing) "Lazlo! I can't believe he's..." (sobbing wildly) "Gone! How could he leave us?"
Clam: (weeping uncontrollably) "Our pal........he was...our little monkey!"
Raj: (still crying and wailing) "We were a trio......it seemed like only yesterday when we first met."
Clam: "Yes........tell story."
Raj: (to Clam) "Hi, my name's Raj."
Clam: "Humphh!"
Raj: "Does your toaster work?"
Clam: "Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!"
Lumpus: (a banana truck crashes into Camp Kidney and goes towards Lumpus) "Ahhhh!" (the truck runs him over and stops)
Slinkman: (to the fruit bat) "Hey, you just ran over our scoutmaster! Can't you see where you're going?"
Fruit Bat: "That's what happens when they get a fruit bat to drive a big banana. Here, I have a delivery for Camp Kidney."
Slinkman: "Camp Kidney? But we didn't order any fruit."
Fruit Bat: (releases the crate from the back end of the banana truck) "I did not say it is fruit." (drives off while running Lumpus over in the process)
Lumpus: (hurt) "Ah! Ohhh."
Slinkman: "Okay now you have to name your cabin."
Raj: "What about garbage dump?"
Slinkman: "As long as it's a bean. See you at dinner."
Lazlo: (thinking) "A bean, a bean. How about Jelly bean!"
Raj: "That is not a bean, that is a candy."
Lazlo: "Don't you think the jelly bean wants to be brought into the bean family?"
Raj: "No!"
Lumpus: "Lazlo!"
Lazlo: "Oh, hello Scoutmaster Lumpus."
Lumpus: "You're in big trouble now, monkey boy! I heard you..." (bear growls) "Samer down, platypus, I'll take it from here."
Edward: "But...that wasn't me."
Lumpus and Edward: (scared) "No, no, no, no, no...Nature!"
Lazlo: "No, fluffy. Bad bear."
Chip: (to wooden Raj) "Hey Raj? Don't tell Edward, but I'm afraid of bears. Are you?" (looks at Raj wooden dummie)" No? You are too scared. Look at you. You're petrified."
Chip: "I broke Raj!"
Lumpus: (opens door while slamming Slinkman) "Slinkman! It's a miracle, Slinkman! Slinkman?"
Slinkman: "Here, sir."
Lumpus: "The monkey, Slinkman, he's returned!"
Slinkman: "Return? This is wonderful, sir. Now you can call..." (they both see Samson)
Samson: "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh."
Slinkman: "Sir, that's just camper Samson scratching his armpit and eating a banana."
Lumpus: "Samson?! Open your eyes, doc slinky! (goes to Samson) "Why this cuddly ball of fur right here is none other than our beloved Lazlo." (stuffs a banana in Samson's mouth, but Slinkman just stares at them)
Samson: (shouting) "He made me do it!" (hits Lumpus with the banana) "Bad moose! You're a bad moose!"
Raj and Clam: "Lazlo!!!"
Lazlo: "You Guys, do you have to do this everytime I go to the latrines."
Raj: "But we love you!"
Lazlo: "You didn't tell that story again, did you."
Raj: "We sure did, Lazlo."
Clam: "Story!!!!!"